Free shipping on orders over $49

Return Policy

Our Hassle-Free Returns Promise

Unlike other retailers, we won't penalize you for returning an item. No restocking fees, no deductions, and we even provide a free return label for easy return of your order for credit!

free return credit

Free returns within 30 days of delivery and we cover the return costs! We're with you every step of the way, so shop with confidence!


Refunds to the same payment used and accepted within 30 days of delivery.

processing time

Allow 3-5 business days after we receive the return.

return status

Log into your account, go to Orders. Scroll down to the bottom to view your return order history.

return label

For store credit, return labels are free.

For refunds, we provide a return label as an option for you to use. In almost all cases, using our return labels is more cost-effective than shipping the item yourself.

personalized items
Unfortunately, custom made items cannot be returned.

international clients

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